Every now and then, while you read the stories in the local newspaper, or see a piece on the evening news on a driver pulled over by police, the situation of a possible DUI suspect. The field tests to be administered on the Web site for alcohol and drug screen. After these tests are voluntary and DrunkDrivingDefence Defender strongly recommend that people do not take. It goes on to say that just because someone is determined to be over the legal blood-alcoholLevel that does not mean they will be hindered.
It is an interesting game. People take drugs and alcohol, go to run and she did not get more, but there's really no evidence that they have been disturbed? For example, a man gets pulled over and agreed to participate in the voluntary test. Be blows a .00 for alcohol. The policeman is sure something is wrong. Locally, there are not many of the officers can do to prove that the driver is impaired. To get an accurate reading, it is necessary, the driver arrestedby a "zero tolerance" test, which is expensive and takes time. Urine tests are the simplest, but more blood tests in determining whether a person is under the influence. " You can easily see that the costs rise too quickly.
For about $ 250.00, a toxicologist from Drug Detection Laboratories, Inc. (DDL) from Sacramento, California, the test is not and give you a written report. The fees vary from state to state, but DDL in its web --Web site: "Unfortunately, today the majority of drug testing is not done properly and plagued with unreliable information." With so many alleged DUI will stop on our roads and highways, such as law enforcement is to keep that lead proper consideration to allow an accurate reading, and not be overwhelmed by a knowledgeable and experienced defender?
In previous blogs, we reported that the former surgeon Mark Benson, who was killed in a car crash involving three people andinjured two others on 25 April did not appear to be impaired on the scene, but was tested and found traces of several drugs were found in his system were. Was he impaired? What level does impairment? How do the drugs interact with each other? The problem with Benson is that he has used non-prescription drugs. If a driver is tested and found that with crack, methamphetamine or other illegal drug, the legal action apparently is much clearer.
The presumption ofInnocence is of crucial importance to our system of justice in America, and yes, police and law enforcement procedures must be followed. But with the flood of DUI arrests each year, especially those which could affect drug use, law enforcement has a difficult task. In Wisconsin, a person may refuse the drug testing if a first offense, but in the following offenses, the test with or without consent. If a person refuses the test for a first offense, they will be charged with refusal.The problem is, the prosecution may not so much. They patrol our streets and highways to enforce the laws, but the legal formalities are in fact always involved in a conviction numerous. What does it mean to be affected, especially by a legally prescribed medication?
With overcrowding in prisons and jails, not violent criminals are not a priority, and so distributed probation and fines. This is for those who are responsible for enforcement, is frustrating. We want to prevent offenders from theroads, but we don't necessarily know exactly what to do about it. I would submit to you that DUI is a violent offense, because the potential for bringing on serious harm or even death is dramatically increased. If I walk down the street carrying a loaded shotgun in my town, the police are going to want to know what I'm doing. The potential for violence is apparent. When people use or abuse drugs, then drive, the potential for a violent episode is apparent.
It's difficult also because the DUI offender needs treatment, not necessarily repeat detention to prevent crime. People with two or more arrests and convictions need to break the cycle of addiction. It is far too easy for people plea to a lesser charge, such as driving too fast for conditions, or something other than DUI. That does not help. It just leads to another incident, more burden on our police and clogging the courts. In the long term, the treatment is the bestAnswer.
The criminal justice system is the best they can under the circumstances. Test procedures are expensive and time consuming. What really needs to change is the culture. People get a pass on DUI, compared to other crimes. That must change.
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